History of Reinforcement learning (IRL part-2)

History of Reinforcement Learning

The early history of reinforcement learning has two main threads, both long and rich, that were pursued independently before intertwining in modern reinforcement learning. One thread concerns learning by trial and error, and originated in the psychology of animal learning. This thread runs through some of the earliest work in artificial intelligence and led to the revival of reinforcement learning in the early 1980s. The second thread concerns the problem of optimal control and its
solution using value functions and dynamic programming. For the most part, this thread did not involve learning. The two threads were mostly independent, but became interrelated to some extent around a third, less distinct thread concerning temporal-di↵erence methods. All three threads came together in the late 1980s to produce the modern field of reinforcement learning.
The thread focusing on trial-and-error learning is the one with which we are most familiar and about which we have the most to say in this brief history. Before doing that, however, we briefly discuss the optimal control thread The term “optimal control” came into use in the late 1950s to describe the problem of designing a controller to minimize or maximize a measure of a dynamical system’s behavior over time. One of the approaches to this problem was developed in the mid-1950s by Richard Bellman and others through extending a nineteenth century theory of Hamilton and Jacobi. This approach uses the concepts of a dynamical system’s state and of a value function, or “optimal return function,” to define a functional
equation, now often called the Bellman equation. The class of methods for solving optimal control problems by solving this equation came to be known as dynamic programming (Bellman, 1957a). Bellman (1957b) also introduced the discrete stochastic version of the optimal control problem known as Markov decision processes (MDPs). Ronald Howard (1960) devised the policy iteration method for MDPs. All of these are essential elements underlying the theory and algorithms of modern reinforcement learning.

Dynamic programming is widely considered the only feasible way of solving general stochastic optimal control problems. It suffers from what Bellman called “the curse of dimensionality,” meaning that its computational requirements grow exponentially with the number of state variables, but it is still far more efficient and more widely applicable than any other general method. Dynamic programming has been extensively developed since the late 1950s, including extensions to partially observable MDPs  (surveyed by Lovejoy, 1991), many applications (surveyed by White, 1985, 1988, 1993), approximation methods (surveyed by Rust, 1996), and asynchronous methods (Bertsekas, 1982, 1983). Many excellent modern treatments of dynamic programming are available (e.g., Bertsekas, 2005, 2012; Puterman, 1994; Ross, 1983; and Whittle, 1982, 1983). Bryson (1996) provides an authoritative history of optimal control.
Connections between optimal control and dynamic programming, on the one hand, and learning, on the other, were slow to be recognized. We cannot be sure about what accounted for this separation, but its main cause was likely the separation between the disciplines involved and their different goals. Also contributing may have been the prevalent view of dynamic programming as an online computation depending essentially on accurate system models and analytic solutions to the Bellman equation. Further, the simplest form of dynamic programming is a computation that proceeds backwards in time, making it dicult to see how it could be involved in a learning process that must proceed in a forward direction. Some of the earliest work in dynamic programming, such as that by Bellman and Dreyfus (1959), might now be classified as following a learning approach. Witten’s (1977) work (discussed below) certainly qualifies as a combination of learning and dynamic-programming ideas. Werbos (1987) argued explicitly for greater interrelation of dynamic programming and learning methods and for dynamic programming’s relevance to understanding neural and cognitive mechanisms. For us the full integration of dynamic programming methods with online learning did not occur until the work of Chris Watkins in 1989, whose treatment of reinforcement learning using the MDP formalism has been widely adopted. Since then these relationships have been extensively developed by many researchers, most particularly by Dimitri Bertsekas and John Tsitsiklis (1996), who coined the term “neurodynamic programming” to refer to the combination of dynamic programming and artificial neural networks. Another term currently in use is “approximate dynamic programming.” These various approaches emphasize di↵erent aspects of the subject, but they all share with reinforcement learning an interest in circumventing the classical shortcomings of dynamic programming. We consider all of the work in optimal control also to be, in a sense, work in reinforcement learning. We define a reinforcement learning method as any e↵ective way of solving reinforcement learning problems
, and it is now clear that these problems are closely related to optimal control problems, particularly stochastic optimal control problems such as those formulated as MDPs. Accordingly, we must consider the solution methods of optimal control, such as dynamic programming, also to be reinforcement learning methods. Because almost all of the conventional methods require complete knowledge of the system to be controlled, it feels a little unnatural to say that they are part of reinforcement
learning. On the other hand, many dynamic programming algorithms are incremental and iterative. Like learning methods, they gradually reach the correct answer through successive approximations. As we show in the rest of this series, these similarities are far more than superficial. The theories and solution methods for the cases of complete and incomplete knowledge are so closely related that we feel they must be considered together as part of the same subject matter. Let us return now to the other major thread leading to the modern field of reinforcement learning, the thread centered on the idea of trial-and-error learning. We only touch on the major points of contact here, taking up this topic in more detail latter. According to American psychologist R. S. Woodworth (1938) the idea of trial-and-error learning goes as far back as the 1850s to Alexander Bain’s discussion of learning by “groping and experiment” and more explicitly to the British ethologist and psychologist Conway Lloyd Morgan’s 1894 use of the term to describe his observations of animal behavior. Perhaps the first to succinctly express the essence of trial-and-error learning as a principle of learning was Edward Thorndike:   

'Of several responses made to the same situation, those which are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction to the animal will, other things being equal, be more firmly connected with the situation, so that, when it recurs, they will be more likely to recur; those which are accompanied or closely followed by discomfort to the animal will, other things being equal, have their connections with that situation weakened, so that, when it recurs, they will be less likely to occur. The greater the
 satisfaction or discomfort, the greater the strengthening or weakening of the bond. (Thorndike, 1911, p. 244) '

Thorndike called this the “Law of Effect” because it describes the effect of reinforcing events on the tendency to select actions. Thorndike later modified the law to better account for subsequent data on animal learning (such as differences between the effects of reward and punishment), and the law in its various forms has generated considerable controversy among learning theorists (e.g., see Gallistel, 2005; Herrnstein, 1970; Kimble, 1961, 1967; Mazur, 1994). Despite this, the Law of Effect—in one form or another—is widely regarded as a basic principle underlying much behavior (e.g., Hilgard and Bower, 1975; Dennett, 1978; Campbell, 1960; Cziko, 1995).It is the basis of the influential learning theories of Clark Hull (1943, 1952) and the influential experimental methods of B. F. Skinner (1938).

The term “reinforcement” in the context of animal learning came into use well after Thorndike’s expression of the Law of E↵ect, first appearing in this context (to the best of our knowledge) in the 1927 English translation of Pavlov’s monograph on conditioned reflexes. Pavlov described reinforcement as the strengthening of a pattern of behavior due to an animal receiving a stimulus—a reinforcer—in an appropriate temporal relationship with another stimulus or with a response. Some psychologists extended the idea of reinforcement to include weakening as well as strengthening of behavior, and extended the idea of a reinforcer to include possibly the omission or termination of stimulus. To be considered reinforcer, the strengthening or weakening must persist after the reinforcer is withdrawn; a stimulus that merely attracts an animal’s attention or that energizes its behavior without producing lasting changes would not be considered a reinforcer. The idea of implementing trial-and-error learning in a computer appeared among the earliest thoughts about the possibility of artificial intelligence. In a 1948 report, Alan Turing described a design for a “pleasure-pain system” that worked along the lines of the Law of E↵ect:
When a configuration is reached for which the action is undetermined, a random choice for the missing data is made and the appropriate entry is made in the description, tentatively, and is applied. When a pain stimulus occurs all tentative entries are cancelled, and when a pleasure stimulus occurs they are all made permanent. (Turing, 1948)
Many ingenious electro-mechanical machines were constructed that demonstrated trialand-error learning. The earliest may have been a machine built by Thomas Ross (1933) that was able to find its way through a simple maze and remember the path through the settings of switches. In 1951 W. Grey Walter built a version of his “mechanical tortoise” (Walter, 1950) capable of a simple form of learning. In 1952 Claude Shannon demonstrated a maze-running mouse named Theseus that used trial and error to find its way through a maze, with the maze itself remembering the successful directions via magnets and relays under its floor (see also Shannon, 1951). J. A. Deutsch (1954) described a maze-solving machine based on his behavior theory (Deutsch, 1953) that has some properties in common with model-based reinforcement learning (Chapter 8). In his Ph.D. dissertation, Marvin Minsky (1954) discussed computational models of reinforcement learning and described his construction of an analog machine composed of components he called SNARCs (Stochastic Neural-Analog Reinforcement Calculators) meant to resemble modifiable synaptic connections in the brain (Chapter 15). The web site cyberneticzoo.com contains a wealth of information on these and many other electro-mechanical learning machines.
Building electro-mechanical learning machines gave way to programming digital computers to perform various types of learning, some of which implemented trial-and-error learning. Farley and Clark (1954) described a digital simulation of a neural-network learning machine that learned by trial and error. But their interests soon shifted from trial-and-error learning to generalization and pattern recognition, that is, from reinforcement learning to supervised learning (Clark and Farley, 1955). This began a patter nof confusion about the relationship between these types of learning. Many researchers seemed to believe that they were studying reinforcement learning when they were actually studying supervised learning. For example, artificial neural network pioneers such as Rosenblatt (1962) and Widrow and Ho↵ (1960) were clearly motivated by reinforcement learning—they used the language of rewards and punishments—but the systems they studied were supervised learning systems suitable for pattern recognition and perceptual learning. Even today, some researchers and textbooks minimize or blur the distinction between these types of learning. For example, some artificial neural network textbooks have used the term “trial-and-error” to describe networks that learn from training examples. This is an understandable confusion because these networks use error information to update connection weights, but this misses the essential character of trial-and-error learning as selecting actions on the basis of evaluative feedback that does not rely on knowledge of what the correct action should be.
Partly as a result of these confusions, research into genuine trial-and-error learning became rare in the 1960s and 1970s, although there were notable exceptions. In the 1960s the terms “reinforcement” and “reinforcement learning” were used in the engineering literature for the first time to describe engineering uses of trial-and-error learning (e.g., Waltz and Fu, 1965; Mendel, 1966; Fu, 1970; Mendel and McClaren, 1970). Particularly influential was Minsky’s paper “Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence” (Minsky, 1961), which discussed several issues relevant to trial-and-error learning, including prediction, expectation, and what he called the basic credit-assignment problem for complex reinforcement learning systems: How do you distribute credit for success among the many decisions that may have been involved in producing it? All of the methods we discuss in this book are, in a sense, directed toward solving this problem. Minsky’s paper is well worth reading today.
In the next few paragraphs we discuss some of the other exceptions and partial exceptions to the relative neglect of computational and theoretical study of genuine trial-and-error learning in the 1960s and 1970s.
One exception was the work of the New Zealand researcher John Andreae, who developed a system called STeLLA that learned by trial and error in interaction with its environment. This system included an internal model of the world and, later, an “internal monologue” to deal with problems of hidden state (Andreae, 1963, 1969a,b). Andreae’s later work (1977) placed more emphasis on learning from a teacher, but still included learning by trial and error, with the generation of novel events being one of the system’s goals. A feature of this work was a “leakback process,” elaborated more fully in Andreae (1998), that implemented a credit-assignment mechanism similar to the backing-up update operations that we describe. Unfortunately, his pioneering research was not well known and did not greatly impact subsequent reinforcement learning research. Recent summaries are available (Andreae, 2017a,b).
More influential was the work of Donald Michie. In 1961 and 1963 he described a simple trial-and-error learning system for learning how to play tic-tac-toe (or naughts and crosses) called MENACE (for Matchbox Educable Naughts and Crosses Engine). It consisted of a matchbox for each possible game position, each matchbox containing a number of colored beads, a di↵erent color for each possible move from that position. By drawing a bead at random from the matchbox corresponding to the current game position, one could determine MENACE’s move. When a game was over, beads were added to or removed from the boxes used during play to reward or punish MENACE’s decisions. Michie and Chambers (1968) described another tic-tac-toe reinforcement learner called GLEE (Game Learning Expectimaxing Engine) and a reinforcement learning controller called BOXES. They applied BOXES to the task of learning to balance a pole hinged to a movable cart on the basis of a failure signal occurring only when the pole fell or the cart reached the end of a track. This task was adapted from the earlier work of Widrow and Smith (1964), who used supervised learning methods, assuming instruction from a teacher already able to balance the pole. Michie and Chambers’s version of pole-balancing is one of the best early examples of a reinforcement learning task under conditions of incomplete knowledge. It influenced much later work in reinforcement learning, beginning with some of our own studies (Barto, Sutton, and Anderson, 1983; Sutton, 1984). Michie consistently emphasized the role of trial and error and learning as essential aspects of artificial intelligence (Michie, 1974).
Widrow, Gupta, and Maitra (1973) modified the Least-Mean-Square (LMS) algorithm of Widrow and Ho↵ (1960) to produce a reinforcement learning rule that could learn from success and failure signals instead of from training examples. They called this form of learning “selective bootstrap adaptation” and described it as “learning with a critic” instead of “learning with a teacher.” They analyzed this rule and showed how it could learn to play blackjack. This was an isolated foray into reinforcement learning by Widrow, whose contributions to supervised learning were much more influential. Our use of the term “critic” is derived from Widrow, Gupta, and Maitra’s paper. Buchanan, Mitchell, Smith, and Johnson (1978) independently used the term critic in the context of machine learning (see also Dietterich and Buchanan, 1984), but for them a critic is an expert system able to do more than evaluate performance.
Research on learning automata had a more direct influence on the trial-and-error thread leading to modern reinforcement learning research. These are methods for solving a nonassociative, purely selectional learning problem known as the k-armed bandit by analogy to a slot machine, or “one-armed bandit,” except with k levers (see Chapter 2). Learning automata are simple, low-memory machines for improving the probability of reward in these problems. Learning automata originated with work in the 1960s of the Russian mathematician and physicist M. L. Tsetlin and colleagues (published posthumously in Tsetlin, 1973) and has been extensively developed since then within engineering (see Narendra and Thathachar, 1974, 1989). These developments included the study of stochastic learning automata, which are methods for updating action probabilities on the basis of reward signals. Although not developed in the tradition of stochastic learning automata, Harth and Tzanakou’s (1974) Alopex algorithm (for Algorithm of pattern extraction) is a stochastic method for detecting correlations between actions and reinforcement that influenced some of our early research (Barto, Sutton, and Brouwer, 1981). Stochastic learning automata were foreshadowed by earlier work in psychology, beginning with William Estes’ (1950) e↵ort toward a statistical theory of learning and further developed by others (e.g., Bush and Mosteller, 1955; Sternberg, 1963).
The statistical learning theories developed in psychology were adopted by researchers in economics, leading to a thread of research in that field devoted to reinforcement learning. This work began in 1973 with the application of Bush and Mosteller’s learning theory to a collection of classical economic models (Cross, 1973). One goal of this research was to study artificial agents that act more like real people than do traditional idealized economic agents (Arthur, 1991). This approach expanded to the study of reinforcement learning in the context of game theory. Reinforcement learning in economics developed largely independently of the early work in reinforcement learning in artificial intelligence, though game theory remains a topic of interest in both fields (beyond the scope of this book). Camerer (2011) discusses the reinforcement learning tradition in economics, and Now´e, Vrancx, and De Hauwere (2012) provide an overview of the subject from the point of view of multi-agent extensions to the approach that we introduce in this book. Reinforcement in the context of game theory is a much different subject than reinforcement learning used in programs to play tic-tac-toe, checkers, and other recreational games. See, for example, Szita (2012) for an overview of this aspect of reinforcement learning and games.
John Holland (1975) outlined a general theory of adaptive systems based on selectional principles. His early work concerned trial and error primarily in its nonassociative form, as in evolutionary methods and the k-armed bandit. In 1976 and more fully in 1986, he introduced classifier systems, true reinforcement learning systems including association and value functions. A key component of Holland’s classifier systems was the “bucket-brigade algorithm” for credit assignment, which is closely related to the temporal difference algorithm used in our tic-tac-toe example and discussed in Chapter 6. Another key component was a genetic algorithm, an evolutionary method whose role was to evolve useful representations. Classifier systems have been extensively developed by many researchers to form a major branch of reinforcement learning research (reviewed by Urbanowicz and Moore, 2009), but genetic algorithms—which we do not consider to be reinforcement learning systems by themselves—have received much more attention, as have other approaches to evolutionary computation (e.g., Fogel, Owens and Walsh, 1966, and Koza, 1992).
The individual most responsible for reviving the trial-and-error thread to reinforcement learning within artificial intelligence was Harry Klopf (1972, 1975, 1982). Klopf recognized that essential aspects of adaptive behavior were being lost as learning researchers came to focus almost exclusively on supervised learning. What was missing, according to Klopf, were the hedonic aspects of behavior, the drive to achieve some result from the environment, to control the environment toward desired ends and away from undesired ends (see Section 15.9). This is the essential idea of trial-and-error learning. Klopf’s ideas were especially influential on the authors because our assessment of them (Barto and Sutton, 1981a) led to our appreciation of the distinction between supervised and reinforcement learning, and to our eventual focus on reinforcement learning. Much of the early work that we and colleagues accomplished was directed toward showing that reinforcement learning and supervised learning were indeed different (Barto, Sutton, and Brouwer, 1981; Barto and Sutton, 1981b; Barto and Anandan, 1985). Other studies showed how reinforcement learning could address important problems in artificial neural network learning, in particular, how it could produce learning algorithms for multilayer networks (Barto, Anderson, and Sutton, 1982; Barto and Anderson, 1985; Barto, 1985, 1986; Barto and Jordan, 1987).


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